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A.k.a, the website update log. Sometimes, at any rate.
Current version: v0.0.9b1
Minor updates to the website. Fixed a few open, dangling tags and broken liunks, and tried to make everything HTML 4.01-compliant (hence the badge at the bottom).
Current version: v0.0.9b1
The website's sections have been redesigned - each version now has it's own web page, and a few frankly useless pages have been dropped. I'd say the bandwith saving in headers and footers is justified against the slightly longer pages.
Work on Netrun more-or-less deliberately ceased over past two days, working on the release, this website, playing a CD full of demos and reading a new book. (I consider myself a good reader, but I'm not widely read, so to speak.)
Current version: v0.0.9b1
Frightening. The next website update is on the same day-of-the-week as the last one, but this time it really _is_ a relative eternity since the last update.
In a particular Victorian high school (at least), the term-and-semester just ended, leaving students with two weeks off school to do whatever. In my case, aside from what my parents request, it will include a lot of programming and other Netrun-related things. Thus, the update.
There is a new version of Netrun out, with quite a bit of work done to it including server-server netspace and saving the game. The website is also getting a bit of an update. There is now a link to the daily CVS snapshots (not that it changes much),
Seems more like an eternity than two weeks since the last update. Isn't being an adolescent wonderful...?
I left out the `<body>
' tag on the top of the web pages,
which doesn't perturb Lynx but makes the body text appear at about
twenty-five point high under Netscape. Uurgh. Fixed, I hope.
I know there hasn't been a new tarball or any other news recently, but school has started up and I was also `busy' with getting my home computer upgraded. Given that it's gone from a 486 to an AMD K6-2 500, it means that a) I'll be able to compile faster and b) the code will be inefficient as heck because I probably won't bother to optimise it.
Netrun has moved a bit in the interim - server-server netspace exists. I could use some names for the servers themselves - I need five for each letter of the alphabet, with any 'the's stripped. There's also been a lot of tiny tweaks. I'll get around to publishing a tarball Real Soon Now, I promise. :)
Second website update. More pages `done' - only index.html remains to be made decent. Many incomplete pages, inconsistencies and broken links still to find and fix - mail me.
To say nothing of triskadekaphobia, today the first revision of the website was uploaded - and if things permit, this news file will arrive in the second revision.
Unfortunately, the first revision is only about a quarter complete (much like the Netrun binary!) - only the simpler things have been finished, and the front page doesn't bear comment.
This page © Kevin C. Rudat, 2000. | Last updated August 3, 2000. | Read the disclaimer. | Sitemap.